Fall 2018 Reflection

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2018 was the year of independence. I chose to become financially independent by working two part-time jobs here in CR, and when the school year began, I bought my own school supplies. I lived away from home for the first time and missed all the usual family events; I didn’t see my parents again until Family Weekend. My family and friends would both agree (if you asked) that I’m a very independent young woman. I’ve always desired my freedom and staying here in Iowa made the most sense to accomplish that goal. To start, I had plenty of free-time. Too much time means too many possibilities, so I would leave campus to explore the city. The library became my sanctuary, especially when I was looking for a job and wanted to relax in air conditioning (the air in my dorm didn’t work). The job hunt took a few weeks, and during that period I stayed up late to watch tv, slept in, cleaned, and read a lot of books. It was fun to relax, but also boring, so when I finally made it through the interviews, I accepted both jobs.

I knew I needed to continue working through the semester to pay off tuition, so I resigned from an officer position, and left all the clubs I joined (except one). I wish I devoted more time to myself and was able to be less stressed over my financial obligations. I wish I arranged my schedule differently, so I would have more time to study for exams. I wish I kept contact with old friends when the semester began. I wish I did a lot of things differently, but I’m also proud that I handled my obligations the way I did because I really did the best I could do without hindsight. I accomplished most of the short-term goals that I set for myself, and even the big long-term goal of paying for my tuition this semester on my own. I’m so grateful to have such supportive family members and friends and teachers and coworkers to give me the courage to believe in myself. It’s been a great year, and I wish nothing but the best for the future.

Thank you :0)

It's Crunch Time

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It's that time of year again. The snow is falling but barely sticking, the sidewalks are salted yet too slippery, and everyone’s either anxious or too calm. Yes, it’s the week before finals week, and everyone’s in a hurry to finish assignments and turn in extra credit work professors have blessed us with. The amount of stress we’ve built over the semester had time to dissipate over Thanksgiving, only to be struck back into us like a bolt of lighting a few days before we leave for the winter. I myself spent the past week having fun and forcing myself to relax to avoid becoming too anxious, but now it’s crunch time and all bets are off! To keep finals from biting me in the butt, here are the actions I plan to take to stay on top of my game.

1. Plan Ahead
Organization is a necessity to get through finals week alive. Events will pop up to fuel you with sugar and love from puppies, but if you don’t make the time to complete your work, you will regret it. To keep from being too overwhelmed try out these tips:
  • Put those finals on your calendar 
    • If you haven’t done so already, you are a crazy person 
  • Write out your homework 
    • When it’s due and when you should do it 
  • Do the extra credit 
    • If your professor has blessed you with the option take advantage of it
2. Eliminate Distractions
Put that phone away! Apps are designed to keep your attention, and if your eyes are glued to Snapchat, so is your brain. You want to be focused on the assignments you must complete, and the best way to do this is to get rid of anything and everything that distracts you from your work. Phones are the big one, since our social media, games, music, videos, and anything else that the internet brings are all at your fingertips. Some people feel that their phone relaxes them, but there’s a difference between relaxation and procrastination. Listening to your favorite tunes may help you get through that paper faster than silence, but Instagram won’t. I struggle to put my phone down when I’m stressed, because I’m desperate to distract myself from my problems, but this doesn’t make the story I need to edit disappear, it simply wastes time. YouTube and Netflix are also major no-nos. Biology and The Office do not mix. Your brain can only focus on one thing at a time, so be nice to it.

3. Balance Your Time
Long study periods followed by no breaks is quick way to drain you of all your energy and motivation. Nothing should be studied for more than an hour at a time, and the longer you study the longer your breaks should be. I recommend working for 30 to 40 minutes at a time with 15 – 20-minute breaks in between. I typically work for 40 – 60 minutes at a time since I prefer to dive right into the deep end. (20-minute breaks work just fine.) If you can’t resist your phone during these breaks, I recommend you set a timer to keep you on track. You can even use these breaks as a pseudo-motivator by sharing with your friends your progress on your assignments and gloat over your new study habits (but that may be considered overkill).

4. Watch your health
Stress can kill you, but so can germs. Pneumonia, the flu, and the common cold are spreading around campus and the heightened stress of the time makes you more susceptible to illness. Help your body take care of you by prioritizing both your work and your health. It’s a nasty habit to only eat junk food every day, but when you’re angry, tired, and overworked caffeine, sugar, and fried foods seem like your best bet to happiness. I know the struggle; my sweet tooth is gigantic. I prefer to be alone when I write, and I prefer to write in my room, so Pub food simple makes sense. One way to curve this bad habit is to drink a ton of water. Most likely, you aren’t drinking enough, so switching your cup of Pepsi for a water bottle will do you some good. Substitute fries for carrots, or onion rings for applesauce. I mean, how can you say no to applesauce?

Go to Sleep
8 am classes are stressful enough, but now you’ll have to wake up on time for finals. This may prove challenging, especially if you’ve been lucky to have none so far. We’re all stressed, which means we’re all tired. Do yourself a favor and give your body the break it needs. This task should prove easier to accomplish when all-day (24-hour) quiet hours are put into place today (Dec 7). Set your alarm to give you enough time in the morning to wake up before your finals. A well-rested student is a well-prepared one.

For help winding down try these tips:
  • Turn off the main lights by 11pm
    • The earlier you turn the lights off, the easier it is to wind down.
    • you can leave a few on, but the later it gets the darker it should be
  • Turn your phone off
    • If you need it as an alarm, plug it in far away from your reach
  • Calm yourself
    • Relax with a good book, calm your breath with meditate , write in a journal 

I hope some of my advice helps you thrive during the week and ease into the holidays. One may be easier to follow than the rest, but they're all great habits that can benefit you in Spring 2019. Leave a comment down below if you have any tips or tricks to get through exams and other stressful times. Have a wonderful break everybody!
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Helpful Hints:
If your phone is an essential aspect of your identity and you struggle to let it go for the week, try out the Forest app. This app allows you to grow beautiful trees (and bushes) in exchange for staying off your phone. If you check an email, call a friend, or do anything except let the app grow that tree, it will die - you will be a tree-killer. It's a great motivator, so check it out. 

Do you struggle with sleep? Do you struggle to wake up in the morning? The National Sleep Foundation has the answers to your many questions, in their quest to help you. 

Not sure how your phones keep you awake at night? This article by Trevor Haynes is for you. 

Introducing: Book of the Week

As mentioned in my previous posts, I really like reading. Like REALLY like reading. Starting next semester, every week, I am going to write a post about a book. I will mainly write about books I have read (so I can accurately review them), but if you have a book that you want to see on the blog,  please leave a comment below.

So, what will these posts include?

Each will have:

-A new book

-A brief summary (without spoilers, of course)

-Reviews by editors

-My personal review on it if I have read it

-Where you can get it for free around Cedar Rapids

-The name of the person who recommended it (if applicable)

-Additional information (if applicable, ex. content warnings)

The End of the World: The Onslaught of Finals

By Arabella Chamberlain

It's never too late to save your grades. You can't give up yet. Sounds cliche, but it's true. (Okay, actually, if you try to save your grade minutes before finals, it may not work.) Honestly, you can always do better in a class until the minute you turn in your last final. What I'm trying to say is, want to make that "D-" a "C+" and pass that class? You can, but it ain't gonna be easy.

When facing the dreaded "finals," what's your attack strategy? Do you:

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a. Panic.
b. Attempt to study. Then, panic.
c. Panic. Then, study. Then, panic.
d. Flawlessly ace every exam handed to you.

(If it's the last one, give me a call. I doubt it is though - Not because I lack faith in you, but because I lack faith in the universe.)

Honestly, a lot of us aren't really that stressed, are we?

Maybe you are though. Finals can be a really intense time. Sometimes we can get too caught up in a percentage instead of our understanding. We should be focusing on putting forth our best work possible, even if that's not A+ material right now. Nevertheless, here are some things to do to make finals a little easier:

  • Study. Well, duh. You all knew that one. However, when I suggest you "study," I'm not just saying sit down for five minutes and flip through your notes. That isn't going to get you anywhere. Instead, make flash cards, find a study group, practice old problems, catch up on unfinished assignments - it really does make a difference when you actively engage in studying.
  • Get a tutor if you need one. (Or even if you don't) Don't be afraid to ask for help. Even if you think you've got it all figured out, it's okay to have someone help check you, just in case you aren't. You don't want to spend a bunch of time studying, only to realize you learned something wrong, do you? It's super easy to get a tutor and they're a great resource while studying. 
  • Talk to your professors about concerns. If you're really freaking, don't. Try to pinpoint what's stressing you out and let your professors know. A lot of professors want you to succeed so many are willing to help. Address the issue early on so you can work together to find a good solution. 
  • Get a good night's sleep. This should go without saying. Yet, how many all-nighters have I pulled in the past? I know it's hard to sometimes just say I can't study anymore because my health is a priority, but sometimes, that's what you have to do. Don't let that be an excuse not to study, but also, SLEEP. Your brain can only retain so much when you've been chugging 5-hour energy drinks for 48 hours straight. Put down the pencil and turn off the lights.
  • Try to eat a little healthier. Avoid all the french fries, potato chips and other snacky foods while bunkering down for finals. You want to be in tip-top shape while taking those last crucial exams and some old candy and chips ain't gonna cut it. Just be a little kinder to your body, maybe even do a little exercise to destress. And don't forget to stay hydrated - It's flu season!
  • Make time for you. Check in with yourself. I know this can be a stressful time, but a little self-care goes a long way. Watch an episode of that one show you always watch, kick back and read a book that isn't assigned reading, take a long, hot shower - you and your roommate will thank you! It's just as important to study hard as it is to take it easy. Find a good balance for you and let yourself unwind. Lastly, don't forget...
  • "C"s get degrees.   But also, try to remember for next semester that Coe offers four opportunities to change the grading scale to pass/fail after your first semester. Set high standards for yourself always, but it's okay if you don't ace every class. Put forth your best effort and hope for the best. You can do this. You got this.
Ultimately, just remember to take a deep breath. This semester's been a little crazy, a little hectic, but don't let that discourage you. It'll hopefully be better next semester, right? Don't give up. It's not like it's the end of the world.

Learning Commons Book Favorites!

By Paige Waskow

What do the writers of the Learning Commons Blog like to read?!

From social justice to sci-fi to romance, check out the list of unique books below!

Bridget Atkinson-Moore
Recommended book:  The Hand of the Devil by Dean Vincent Carter

Why it's one of my favorites: "One of my favorite books to read over and over again (I read it at least twice a year, once for Halloween and once sometime during the spring) is The Hand of the Devil by Dean Vincent Carter. It's such a great horror story set on a remote island with really great creepy imagery. It made me scared to encounter a mosquito for a while after I first read it!"

Jasmine Barlow
Recommended book:  The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas

Why it's one of my favorites: "My favorite book is "The Hate U Give". It was the first book to make me cry (not just "feel sad", many tears fell in many different chapters) because I relate to Starr. I love reading and have read many fantastic books, but Starr was the first person I could truly understand. It hit home and I recommend everyone to broaden their horizons and learn how people of different backgrounds and cultures see the same world, through what they have to live through. I tend to be drawn towards books written by Black women, but I've never read a character so close to my age, from the same time period, from a big city. I'm still in awe."

Arabella Chamberlain
Recommended book:  Saturn Run by John Sandford

Why it's one of my favorites: "This book tells a story of drama, mystery, science, and a great race through space. It's such a page-turner and full of surprises. Sandford's voice is really enjoyable and makes the story come to life. With moments of drama and suspense to moments of hilarious absurdity, this sci-fi is one to pick up."

Taylor Nosekabel
Recommended book:  Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell

Why it's one of my favorites: "I love this book because the main character is very relatable and it deals with difficult family topics in a believable and understandable way. Also, the romance is fantastic."

Paige Waskow
Recommended book:  Artemis by Andy Weir

Why it's one of my favorites: "Artemis is a really unique book that is incredibly imaginative. It follows the life of Jazz Bashara on Artemis, the first city on the moon, and her accidental involvement in a very complicated space heist involving global powers. It is action packed, hilarious, and science-y. I enjoyed it so much that I read it in two days."

If you have any favorites, leave them below for others to see.

Happy Reading!

via GIPHY, Ana Caro

My thanks to the writing commons blog writers for their willingness to help make this post and interest in reading.

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Need a Book?

via GIPHY, Benjy Brooke
By: Paige Waskow

     The world of books is massive. From Shakespeare to Maya Angelou to John Green and many, many in between, it is hard to know where to start. Whether you are looking for adventure, a good scare, or a personal biography, hopefully the list below will help you find some reads you are interested in! This is not a complete list of genres or titles. If you have any books, authors, or genres you recommend, leave them in the comment section.

If you want to read popular books, classics, or iconic titles (such as 1984, The Color Purple, and Beloved) check out these books everyone should read. Or maybe you are competitive and want to read the 200 books from this website (including The Book Thief, Speak, and The Great Gatsby). It could also give you some general ideas of books to read.

Horror, Fantasy, Sci-Fi:
Sadly, Halloween has come and gone, BUT if you are still feeling spooky or want to explore the world of horror, check out these stories from NPR. Or maybe you want to take a look at some of the best of fantasy and sci-fi. Check out this article of 100 fan-favorite books.

Examples include: Frankenstein, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Yellow Wallpaper, Brave New World, and Fahrenheit 451.

Mystery Books:
Often overlapping with horror, social justice, or sci-fi, mystery books are a lot of fun, come in a diverse landscape of whodunits, and challenge our perception of the world. Check out this list of favorite mysteries or this list of crime mystery.

Examples include: And Then There Were None, The Godfather, The Da Vinci Code, Shutter Island, and The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime.

Books by Women of Color:
Although the list below includes women from all backgrounds, women of color have been writing for many years and yet, they are often overlooked as writers. Check out this list of books that everyone should read or this list which specifically has newly released books from 2018.

Examples include: Americanah, The House on Mango Street, Their Eyes Were Watching God, Binti, and When They Call You a Terrorist.

Books by Women:
From horror to justice to classics, women have written impressive and diverse books. If you are looking for recent books by women, check out this list of 35 books. If you are looking for a large list of books with famous women authors and praised books, check out this list.

Examples include: The Handmaid's Tale, Song of Solomon, The Harry Potter Series, Where'd Ya Go Bernadette, and Pride and Prejudice.

Books about Social Justice Issues:
If you are looking for books that address social justice issues (including police brutality, homophobia, and immigration) in both the United States and the world check out this long list of books. If you want a shorter list to choose from that is only fiction, take a look at these reads from the Seattle Public Library.

Examples include: Just Mercy, Between the World and Me, The Hate You Give, I am Malala, and How Dare the Sun Rise.

Biographies, Memoirs, and Autobiographies:
People's personal experiences shape ours. We are motivated by those around us and their stories. Check out this list of 100 Biography and Memoirs to learn more about human hardship, success, and life.

Examples include: The Diary of a Young Girl, Unbroken, Persepolis, 12 Years a Slave, and A Walk in the Woods

Books about the Environment:
Maybe you heard of the United Nations report on the state of our climate. Perhaps you want to learn more about why people are so invested in the climate change debate. Or maybe you want to learn more about the issue or transcend political boundaries. Check out this list if you are interested in climate change effects or this list if you want to read fiction stories with an environmental message.

Examples include: Who Fears Death, Climate Change: What Everyone Needs to Know, Six Degrees, The Sixth Extinction, and Gold Fame Citrus

Additional Reads that are not part of the lists: Silent Spring, The Water Will Come, The Human Age, Drawdown, The Nature Fix, How Culture Shapes the Climate Change Debate, Eco-Mind, and Truth to Power

Happy Reading!


     Bologna, C. (2018, March 14). 35 Must-Read Books By Women From The Past 5 Years. Retrieved November 8, 2018, from https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/35-books-by-women-writers-from-the-past-5-years_us_5a8c6b2ce4b0273053a54eb8

     Blair, K. (2018, March 10). 23 Books by Women of Color You Need to Read in 2018. Retrieved November 8, 2018, from http://www.keishablair.com/uncategorized/23-books-by-women-of-color-you-need-to-read-in-2018/

     Carroll, T. (2017, December 29). These 8 Books are Fiction, but Climate Change is Not. Retrieved November 8, 2018, from https://electricliterature.com/these-8-books-are-fiction-but-climate-change-is-not-977f94d7b30

     Chui, A. (2018, August 06). 30 Books Everyone Should Read At Least Once In Their Lives. Retrieved October 29, 2018, from https://www.lifehack.org/articles/communication/30-books-that-everyone-should-read-least-once-their-lives.html

     Depenbrock, J. (2017, June 30). Summer Reading For The College-Bound. Retrieved October 30, 2018, from https://www.npr.org/sections/ed/2017/06/30/534458892/the-books-college-kids-are-reading-this-summer

     Doyle, J. (n.d.). The Best Female Authors of All Time. Retrieved November 8, 2018, from https://www.abebooks.com/books/best-female-authors/index.shtml

     FamousAuthors.org. (2012). 10 Best Mystery Books of All Time. Retrieved November 8, 2018 from https://www.famousauthors.org/best-mystery-books

     GoodReads. (n.d.). 100 Biographies & Memoirs to Read in a Lifetime: Readers' Picks (1203 books). Retrieved November 8, 2018, from https://www.goodreads.com/list/show/85102.100_Biographies_Memoirs_to_Read_in_a_Lifetime_Readers_Picks

     GoodReads. (n.d.). Best Crime & Mystery Books. Retrieved November 8, 2018, from https://www.goodreads.com/list/show/11.Best_Crime_Mystery_Books

     GoodReads. (n.d.). Popular Social Justice Books. Retrieved November 8, 2018, from https://www.goodreads.com/shelf/show/social-justice

     Mayer, P. (2018, August 16). Click If You Dare: 100 Favorite Horror Stories. Retrieved November 1, 2018, from https://www.npr.org/2018/08/16/632779706/click-if-you-dare-100-favorite-horror-stories

     Paul, C. (2018, January 10). 11 Must-Read Books By Women Of Color Coming Out In 2018. Retrieved November 8, 2018, from https://www.bustle.com/p/11-new-books-by-women-of-color-everyone-needs-to-read-in-2018-7839819

     The Seattle Public Library. (n.d.). Social Justice Books for Teens - The Seattle Public Library. Retrieved November 8, 2018, from https://seattle.bibliocommons.com/list/share/200121216/675212937

     Sutter, J. D. (2015, May 20). Books: 12 must-reads on climate change (2 degrees). Retrieved November 8, 2018, from https://www.cnn.com/2015/05/19/opinions/sutter-2-degrees-book-club/index.html

     Weldon, G. (2011, August 11). Your Picks: Top 100 Science-Fiction, Fantasy Books. Retrieved November 8, 2018, from https://www.npr.org/2011/08/11/139085843/your-picks-top-100-science-fiction-fantasy-books

     Wright, K. (2018, March 3). 49 Books That Everyone Should Read in Their Lifetime. Retrieved October 29, 2018, from https://www.bookbub.com/blog/2018/03/03/books-that-everyone-should-read

     Zottino, T. (n.d.). 200 Books Everyone Should Read - How many have you read? Retrieved November 1, 2018, from https://www.listchallenges.com/200-books-everyone-should-read

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Enjoying Reading

By: Paige Waskow

How do you read more? How do you make reading something you enjoy and want to do on a regular basis especially if you are not used to doing so?

1. Don't feel like you have to read certain books (and if you don't like one, you can stop).
Finding books is hard to do, but finding a good book can be even harder. This is especially true for those who have read a lot or hardly any at all. To avoid this problem, experiment with books and try out different genres, authors, and topics. Asking others their favorite books is a great way to find a good read, especially if you share tastes in music, TV shows, or hobbies. Additionally, there will be a post about books to read coming out soon to give you some book ideas!

One important thing to remember is that you absolutely do not have to finish a book. If you are not enjoying it, it is okay to move to something else (especially if you have another one you want to read!) Reading is a process, what matters is putting interest into what you are doing.

2. Take your book places (and read it).
In forming a reading habit, it is important to practice it. This is not to say you ALWAYS have to be reading, but you can give yourself the opportunity to do so. For example, instead of scrolling through social media while waiting at an appointment, you can get a few pages in. It will also make your free time or waiting time more interesting and feel like you are not wasting it. Books are also great because you can go at your own pace, and take your time. They are quite forgiving if you take a break for a while.

3. Make the experience something to remember.
Reading does not always have to be limited to reading a book. In fact, it often is not. In order to motivate yourself or get more out of a book, you can try the following things. If you want to make reading a social experience or to keep yourself accountable, you could start or join a book club. If you are feeling more personal, you can always set your own goals. Do you want to read a certain amount of pages in a day or a certain amount of books? Maybe your goal is to read that one book you have been meaning to read forever. Additionally, you can remember your books by writing down quotes or things that stood out to you.

4. Try different types of reading
Like life, people prefer different things and experiences. Reading can be the same as there are many ways to enjoy a book. Perhaps you like audio books and listening to them when working out or traveling somewhere. Or maybe you are like me and want to have a real book that you can carry around and hold. Additionally, many people like reading on electronic devices, and that option can often be a lot cheaper and manageable when it comes to space and carrying something around. Both Coe's library the Cedar Rapids Public Library has books in all types of formats that you can try.

Again, there will be a post about books to read coming out soon to give you some book ideas!

via GIPHY,  Alexandra Dvorniokova

Babauta, L. (2017, June 29). 14 Ways to Cultivate a Lifetime Reading Habit. Retrieved October 29, 2018, from https://www.lifehack.org/articles/featured/14-ways-to-cultivate-a-lifetime-reading-habit.html

Kaplan, E. (2017, March 27). How to Read (a Lot) More Books This Year, According to Harvard Research. Retrieved October 29, 2018, from https://medium.com/the-mission/how-to-read-a-lot-more-books-this-year-according-to-harvard-research-e1dfc55e0b9f

Popova, M. (2016, September 06). Neil Gaiman on Why We Read and What Books Do for the Human Experience. Retrieved October 29, 2018, from https://www.brainpickings.org/2016/08/03/neil-gaiman-view-from-the-cheap-seats-reading/

Rampton, J. (2017, June 27). 25 Expert Tips to Reading WAY More Books This Year. Retrieved October 29, 2018, from https://www.inc.com/john-rampton/25-ways-to-read-a-lot-more-books-this-year.html

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