BOTW March 18

By Paige Waskow
The Book of the Week is:

Every Heart a Doorway 

by Seanan McGuire

What's it about?

Children in stories are often taken to fairy tale lands, far away from their homes to go on adventures. But what if they couldn't return home or stay in their magical worlds?

Author Seanan McGuire images an in-between world where these children go- a place for those who have experiences of the peculiar sort. From worlds of logic and science to those of chaos and candy, the home is open to all. The story follows Nancy, a girl who is transitioning from her fantasy world. As she begins to adjust, the strange becomes stranger as children begin to be found murdered throughout the home. Who is killing them and what is their goal?

Why did I choose it?

This book is so weird- truly a wild ride into fantasy. It takes you through multiple dimensions with dynamic and magical characters. I have never read a book like it before, the closest maybe being The Chronicles of Narnia. It is also a twist on a murder mystery type story, and I am a huge fan of a good mystery. I loved the book's uniqueness and strong characters. McGuire doesn't shy away from her own imagination or topics that are often misrepresented or ignored by popular media.

This book, besides having a fantastically mysterious and mystical plot, can also boast of LGBT+ representation of multiple characters. It was refreshing to see an author not stray away from representation of characters who are asexual, transgender, and bi while normalizing it in the plot (aka the book was not strictly about sexuality and gender identity).

Where can you get Every Heart a Doorway?

This book is available at the Cedar Rapids Public Library. You can get a library card for free at any time. The closet library location to Coe is the downtown branch on 5th Avenue.

Is there anything else you should know?

If you are interested in learning more, the author's website can be found here.


McGuire, Seanan. Every Heart a Doorway. Tom Doherty Associates, LLC, 2016.

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