Back to School: Getting in the Zoom Zone

by Arabella Chamberlain

This year has been far from normal. A global pandemic, a "land hurricane" in Iowa, what next?

Things are finally starting to get back to normal though, as we return to classes, masked up and socially distanced. Even then though, a new challenge has approached 2020 - ONLINE CLASSES.

It's hard to find someone not in an online class this semester, even among those who returned to campus, which has brought on a plethora of new challenges as many of us find ourselves expecting Zoom Academy to look like this:

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When in reality, it looks a bit more like this:
While I can't fix your connection issues, when you are on a video call for class, have you ever really looked around and considered the environment you're in? Back in the olden days of in-person classes, it didn't matter how messy your room was or the room lighting. But nowadays, every single virtual class you attend is a peek into your personal life!

True story, I completely forgot to pay attention to my surroundings last semester on a video call and I had some pretty embarrassing things in the background! Don't make the same mistakes I've made with online classes, follow these helpful tips for a productive, focused (less embarrassing) semester online.
  • Set up a space for all your virtual classes. Whether that be at your desk, on your bed, or in the library even, pick a spot to consistently attend your virtual classes in. This will help you stay more focused on a class by being in a familiar environment each time. Just like when you attended in-person, always get settled in for class on-time.
  • Wherever you set up, don't forget to remove or limit distractions in the background. If you're in a personal space, is there anything around you that you think will distract others or yourself during class? If so, it's gotta go! Try to have a neutral or uncluttered backdrop for video classes in your dorms. If that's not possible, consider a virtual backdrop! If you're in a public space, make sure you don't have random people who will be walking in camera view the entirety of your class. Try to sit with your back to a wall or in a space away from heavy traffic.
  • Photo Credit
  • Focus on class while in class - not Snapchat! Just because you're attending class on your laptop or phone, doesn't give you a free pass to be on your laptop or phone while in class. Treat this just like a normal class - no Netflix or emails or texting while on a video chat! It's easy for things to get missed, especially when you're not paying any attention.
  • Take notes - even if the professor says the slides are on Moodle. By writing down notes while in class, it gives your brain time to process and absorb the information you're learning. Plus, you won't be able to remember every little thing the professor mentions that's not on the PowerPoint, so having a piece of paper and writing utensil handy will help keep you on top of everything.
  • Keep up with hygiene and self-care. Resist the urge to go to class in your pajamas or with your camera off. This will help keep you engaged and your professor will definitely appreciate it. You don't want to get distracted since your cameras off or something embarrassing ending up online if you accidentally turn your camera on though. So you don't need anything fancy, just try and remember to put on pants...
These are just a few tips to get you started. I know this year is a little crazy, but we're going to get through it. Let me know in the comments any study tips you have for this Fall!

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1 comment:

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