A Month Into The Semester!

 ❤We’ve made it through the first month of school! Whether you’re a freshman adjusting to campus life or a returning student getting back into the swing of things, this is the perfect time to reflect on how the semester has started and make adjustments to stay on top. ❤

Here are some tips to help you stay focused, motivated, and healthy as you continue through the semester:

1. Beat Procrastination😥

It’s easy to put things off, especially when the semester feels like it's just starting. Set small, manageable goals each day to avoid the stress of last-minute cramming. Try using the Pomodoro technique—study for 25 minutes, then take a 5-minute break. This will keep you productive while preventing burnout. Also, be aware of how you are using your time. Yes, going out with friends, going to parties, or going to SAC events are fun, but do not let them become distractions! 

2. Start Preparing for Tests Early🤓

Tests will creep up before you know it! Review your notes weekly, even if no quizzes or exams are looming. Flashcards, study groups, and practice tests are great ways to solidify information. Your future self will thank you for spreading out your study sessions rather than cramming the night before.

3. Manage Stress Before It Manages You😱

With assignments, social events, and possibly part-time jobs, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Make time to de-stress, whether it’s through exercise, meditation, or just a quick walk around campus. Don’t forget to prioritize sleep—a well-rested mind performs far better than an exhausted one.

4. Attend Sports and Campus Events🙌

While schoolwork is important, it’s equally crucial to take breaks and enjoy campus life. Go to sports games, club events, or even just hang out with friends. These moments help you stay connected, build relationships, and give you something fun to look forward to after a busy week.

5. Seek Help Early: Tutoring and Study Resources👥

If you’re struggling in a class, don’t wait until it’s too late to get help. Coe offers free tutoring services and study resources! The Learning Commons is a great resource for tutoring, study groups, and extra support from peers. Remember, it’s okay to ask for help—it shows that you care about your success! 

6. Eat Well to Stay Energized💪

What you eat impacts how you feel. Try to incorporate balanced meals and healthy snacks into your routine. Instead of reaching for sugary or highly processed foods, opt for fruits, nuts, or yogurt to keep your energy levels steady throughout the day.

7. Stay Active and Healthy🙆

Regular physical activity is a great way to keep your body and mind in top shape. Whether you hit the gym, join an intramural team, or even walk to your classes, staying active helps reduce stress and keeps you focused. Also, remember to drink plenty of water and avoid skipping meals!

 (BONUS:  get enough sleep! avoid all-nighters! avoid binge watching that netlfix show until 2am! your body needs rest!)

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A Month Into The Semester!

 ❤We’ve made it through the first month of school! Whether you’re a freshman adjusting to campus life or a returning student getting back in...