Accomplishments: Week One

“Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end. It's not a day when you lounge around doing nothing; it's a day you've had everything to do and you've done it.” 

― Margaret Thatcher

The first week back to school is always stressful, but this was definitely worse than last year. My new work schedule, new classes, paying for textbooks, and new responsibilities overwhelmed me, at least if I focus on the negatives. Today I’ll tell you all the positive things that I haven’t taken the time to reflect on, and maybe this will inspire you to see the good in your life and be proud of your accomplishments.

My Birthday
I turned 20 last Tuesday, and I’m a changed woman. Officially, I am no longer a teenager. Twenty, an even number, a sturdy foundation to the beginning of my adult life. I’ve worked hard in my recent teens (eighteen and nineteen) to prepare for this moment, so I spent the day relaxing and eating too many sweets. My plant-babies died over break so my mom sent me seven new ones. I haven’t given up on my aloe and I will revive it! On Thursday my presents from my dad arrived and I am so grateful for a satin sleep mask. No light passes through and I’ve been sleeping like a baby ever since. They also sent me a fleece pullover. Finally, my arms are warm.

I Moved
With the help of three friends, I moved from the top floor of Murray to Voorhees. The original plan was to move the furniture in the new dorm and bring over my bedding, then officially begin the move on Saturday, but the weather changed and a storm was brewing. The weather was, unfortunately, the least problematic obstacle that day. The room was filthy! Dirt and dust and hair and the smell, ooh the smell. It was a real piece of work (Did I mention mounds of dirt and dust?) With the weather change, we had to move faster and bring over as much as possible before the snow. We managed to bring over the last of my belongings when two inches of snow had fallen. Some may say it was a miracle, I say it was the hard-work of my friends and I, and I am so grateful for them.

Officer Duties
As an officer in Alpha Gamma Delta, I have duties to fulfill. I asked for a lot of help, groaned, took a lot of breaks, but pushed through all of the other events I worked through last week and got the job done. I was too exhausted yesterday (and the day before that, and so on) to pat myself on the back, so it’s a pleasant, warm experience to take the time to remember all I’ve accomplished.

If you enjoy posts like this, or have your own accomplishment you’d like to share please comment down below! I’ll be posting weekly to help build up this habit of seeing how far I’ve come.

N/A. goodreads. 2019. Web. . 21 Jan 2019. <>.

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