Accomplishments: Week Two

“Do the best you can in every task, no matter how unimportant it may seem at the time. No one learns more about a problem than the person at the bottom.” 
~Sandra Day O'Connor

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You didn't think I was serious when I promised to write weekly posts about my accomplishments, but you were wrong. We should all be proud of ourselves, every once in a while, and take the time to reflect on our decisions. This helps us view our lives in a new perspective, perhaps what other see every day. The days fly by so quickly, it took me half an hour to remember the weekdays. Instead of listing them all, here are my top three accomplishments and why I chose them.

Winter Cleaning
I cleaned out my dorm. It was so dirty and gross and I was so angry and frustrated and watched Hoarders: Buried Alive on Youtube to keep motivated. I moved my stuff around, wiped the desks and the walls, and completed my goal of creating a clean, organized living/work space. I still have more work to get done, but I can do that when I have more free time. I've only lived here for a week, and I've already made it home. I was so proud, and still am, when I saw my plans through to the end. It was a long process, and my allergies did not approve, but I pushed through. I also learned that I have WAY too many belongings (I did live here over the summer) and need to move or get rid of the excess.

I Let Myself be Sick
I took a much-needed nap. I took my first nap in months on my yoga matt on my floor, with the heating blanket over my face, and my JoJo blanket over my feet. For almost two hours I had a pleasant slumber. I had a sinus infection, headaches, and cramps. I went to work earlier that day, and ate food, went to class, and once I handled my responsibilities, I said no. I took the time to let my body and mind rest and recover. I had emails asking much of me, that I denied, and took care of myself. Now I'm not sick, but only because I didn't overexert myself. I've done too much of that already.

Worked then Played
Woke up and went to Brewed in the heavy snow, while it was snowing: hot chocolate and croissant. French assignment #1 in Voho Lobby, then leftover chili from the Pub while watching French videos. Playwriting, then French assignment #2. Dinner with my best friend, movies with my sisters, anime with my best friend, then a good night's sleep. I pushed through my homework, then had fun with my friends. No regrets.

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N/A. goodreads. 2019. Web. . 21 Jan 2019. <>. 

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