Accomplishments: Week 7

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Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are.
~Malcolm S. Forbes

This week was honestly a blur. I don’t remember what I ate, how much I slept, or what I did. I know that I completed my assignments (to the best of my ability), and that I probably watched Netflix. Constant stress and massive workloads tend to have this effect on people. Despite this gap in my timeline, I know that I’ve done, at least, three things to be proud of.

1. Labor Day
I spent most of labor day working on homework. The free time meant more time to get stuff done before my nightly meetings. When you have gaps in your schedule what do you fill them with? I’m pretty sure I watched YouTube in the morning. I wanted to relax because the semester was off to a rough start, but I knew I had commitments to keep. I tried to go to work, but the library was closed during my shifts. It was an extra day to complete assignments. 

2. Formal Recruitment
Recruitment was a blast, and I managed to take some good photos, despite the fact that my phone wasn’t working. I talked to many wonderful women and it was great practice for job interviews. I took time to relax and recharge with some tasty pizza, and took advantage of the opportunity to not think about homework. I was surprisingly calm for all three days, and even took a risk during bid day. I put glitter on my arms.. It wasn’t as hard to get off as I expected, so it worked out. 

3. Tutoring Orientation
I chose the 8 am slot and I do not regret my decision. French and Psychology are classes that people need help with, and now I can provide some assistance. Even if I don’t get a lot of requests, I accomplished a dream of mine from freshman year, and that’s enough for me. 


These may seem like shallow accomplishments, but not everything we do blows our socks off. Take time to reflect on your past, and see if you want to do anything differently. I still can’t remember the week of August 2 very well, but that’s okay. My past self deserves to know that she did good, regardless. 

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