Accomplishments: Start of the Fall Term

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One of the things I learned the hard way was that it doesn't pay to get discouraged. Keeping busy and making optimism a way of life can restore your faith in yourself. 

~Lucille Ball

It’s almost been three weeks since junior year began. The differences between the summer of 2018 couldn’t be more obvious to me, yet their similarities are just as clear. Though, that’s a story for another time. This is the first of many weekly accomplishment postings for the fall term of 2019. 

Last year, I began my journey to overcome my perfectionism. It was recommended to me by Anxiety Canada’s self-help guide to take the time to think about all the things I’m proud of. I work hard to get all my assignments complete and get the best grades I can, while also handling my officer and sorority duties, and, of course, my job(s). I never thought about my actions for very long in a good light, because I needed to move onto the next. Once I sat down and looked at my calendar, I realized how much I’ve accomplished and felt proud of myself. 

There’s nothing wrong with patting yourself on the back for a hard day’s work. There’s nothing wrong with taking a break when you’re overwhelmed. These may seem like obvious facts of life or common sense, but I simply never thought this way. It’s September already, and I haven’t taken the best care of my mental health. We’re college students, so we have a million responsibilities, but since we do we should definitely take the time to be proud. Since I’m already two weeks behind, I’ll be posting as the stories come, and adding to the list down below. If you did something that made you happy or have pride in yourself this past week, let me know in a comment down below! 

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Helpful Links
Anxiety Canada
Words of Wisdom 4 You: 43 Positive Life Quotes

For more posts about accomplishments, click on the links below:

Fall 2019
August 21 - August 25
August 26 - September 1
September 2 - September 8

Spring 2019

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