New Semester, New Schedule: How to Effectively Plan A Schedule

Photo by Marco Verch

Whether you know what your major is or you are still looking around for classes that spark your interest, the end of the semester is approaching and that means a new class schedule needs to be made. If you always find yourself struggling and having to change classes after one week because you realize that biology class isn't for you, then here are some tips that can help you next time.

Diversify Your Work

Even if you can crank out an essay in a short time frame you won't want to do it for multiple classes. Make sure that you're not taking four writing intensive classes at the same time so you don't have to write four essays during the last few weeks of the semester. Take classes that will require different types of work; from writing essays to solving problem sets to a presentation. This way you won't find yourself stuck doing the same thing every week and can focus all of your skills on one class without having to share.

Your Secret Weapon: Your Advisor

One of the best resources you have at your disposal is your advisor. Everyone has one, everyone needs one. Ask your advisor every question you can think of when creating your next schedule and if they don't have the answers you can ask the professor of the class for answers as well. They are there to help make sure that you are on track for graduation, and they will make sure you are taking every class you need to get you there. Even better, if you find that your advisor is not in the same department as your major you can get a new advisor by simply signing one form. The process is easy and can be done in an afternoon and you'll have all the help you need in finding the schedule that is perfect for you.

Back-to-Back, Nights, Weekends, Oh My!

The importance of the break has been researched before, and the idea of going from one class to the next will tire you out faster than you think. Make sure you give yourself plenty of time between classes to eat, relax, and study as needed.
There are classes that you can also take that will happen at night or during the weekend, and while these can be helpful in getting a schedule with no conflicts in it they have their own commitment. It is recommended not to take a night class unless you know you work well at night, otherwise, you may find yourself struggling with the classwork.

Focus on the Required Classes

Even if you know what major you are going to go for, focusing on the general education classes first can save you from having to take a non-interest class your senior year. If you focus on getting through all of the science, history, and writing intensive classes first then you will be free to enjoy the classes for your major as you wrap up your college experience.

There are many more tips out there for creating the perfect class schedule. Look around for what will best suit you and don't be afraid to ask your advisor or professors of classes that you're interested in for help. They're there to help you and your academic career!


5 Tips to Creating the Perfect College Class Schedule
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