Pizza & Practicum: 11/5/2018

By Arabella Chamberlain

Photo Credit: Arabella Chamberlain
You really lucked out if you missed the fun and informative "Pizza & Practicum" event hosted by the Learning Commons last night! A great way to find out about one of the unique requirements of Coe College's curriculum, more than 20 students came out to the Perrine Gallery in Stewart Memorial Library this Tuesday.

What exactly is "practicum" though?

Definitionprac·​ti·​cum - noun 
"a course of study designed especially for the preparation of teachers and clinicians that involves the supervised practical application of previously studied theory"
Okay, that didn't really clear anything up, did it?

To put it more simply, a practicum is just getting hands-on experience in your chosen field or career, which Coe requires to graduate. The Coe College Catalog says
"Typically completed in the student's junior or senior year, all practica are experiences that integrate academic component's with career of other life goals and are significant educational exercises outside of the classroom, A practicum experience can consist of an internship, off-campus study, community-based project, honors project, or some other kind of independent activity." (pg. 24-25)
 So what are some good examples of things you could do? I had the opportunity to talk with a few students and they told about their experiences during a DC term on political campaigns, working with local clinics to help those in the community, or even visiting Coe's very own Wilderness Field Station and working to communicate with a native Canadian tribe.

Photo Credit
All these experiences are waiting for you at the tips of your fingertips. Feel free to talk to your major department and have a chat with an advisor. Don't be afraid to reach out and start getting ideas for how to fulfill your practicum requirements, even if you're a sophomore or freshman - senior year comes quicker than you know.

Have you completed your practicum yet?

Yes. (Comment below and let us know where!)
Not yet, but I've got some ideas.
Nope, I didn't even know this existed!
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